Jeff Neal for C.U.R.E. - Certain Unalienable Rights Endowment

Cure or Disease?

In Opinion on October 11, 2013 at 12:32 pm

bho jm.001John McCain epitomizes Washington, DC.  He wants to blame bad poll numbers for the GOP on Ted Cruz and the conservatives in the House.

What a dunce.  Senator McCain is the problem, not the solution. Need evidence?  See the 2008 presidential election results.  A NOBODY, a first-term Senator, former community organizer with no substantial record or accomplishments ran a campaign with an meaningless appeal to ‘CHANGE’ and easily defeated a very well known senior senator, party elder.  Elect the war hero! How many times were we told that his qualifications emanated from and ended with the fact that he spent years in captivity as a POW in Vietnam over 40 years ago! Exactly how that qualifies one for high executive office remains a mystery to me.  He was essentially the poster-boy for Washington, DC – military veteran, congressional experience, tenure and connections were his credentials.  He knew how to ‘get things done’ in Washington.

Exactly – he and his kind are the reason we’re $17 Trillion (and counting) in debt and have tens of trillions of dollars of other unfunded promises that we will necessarily break (or inflate away) absent a complete RESET.  That must include ridding the country of the government behemoth that John McCain spent most of his post-captivity life aiding and abetting by going along to get along, his crowning achievement and final award, the GOP nomination for the presidency! He reached the top and was put down by a beginner with better stage craft.

After the moment pictured above, as I recall it, Senator McCain served the president a fresh cup of coffee and a cinnamon danish, then took his seat and sat on his hands.  Coward.

We can do better. We better.

  1. You never served in the military, did you?

    • what’s the relevance?

      • You said

        “The ‘war hero’ (how many times were we told that his qualifications emanated from and ended with the fact that he spent years in captivity as a POW in Vietnam 40 years ago! (exactly how that qualifies one for high executive office remains a mystery to me).”

        Besides the incomplete bracket, the mystery might be in the relative experience deficit. It is a mystery to you, but not others.

        You finished college in the 80’s, Reagan was increasing the size of the military, the USSR was still in existence, did you feel no national need to serve in uniform?

        Do you not feel some responsibility for the national debt? I would think you are far more personally responsible than Senator McCain.

      • you’re so brave to criticize me anonymously.

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