Jeff Neal for C.U.R.E. - Certain Unalienable Rights Endowment

Obama IS a K^*^#*, isn’t he? The N-word and “Lyin’ Ass Bitch” revisited

In Opinion on November 28, 2011 at 11:03 am

The liberals and Michelle Bachmann haters are busy defending Jimmy Fallon by repeating his claim that he had no prior knowledge of the band’s idea to play the song.

Hmmm.  Again, they want to have it both ways:

1.  It was just a humorous bit of teasing – can’t that white bitch take a joke?


2.  Of course Fallon had nothing to do with such a tasteless bit of teasing; what do you think he is, a disgusting misogynist like his bandleader?

Which is it?  Should he apologize for his bandleader’s behavior or join the chorus?

Asked another way:  If I call Barack Obama a K-word (ok, I’ll type it – a Kenyan) will I be disqualified from polite company?  Will any of my friends defend me or will they be ashamed of me.  Or both?

And, what if I imply that he’s a Keynesian?

(See here for a little humor.)

  1. You have a terrible habit of missing the point. Wasn’t about the K-word(s) nor was it about Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh (two (or three) wrongs don’t make a right).

    My piece was an attempt to make a few people think clearly about what had happened to Michelle Bachmann. Try it. It will be a refreshing feeling for you, even if strange and unfamiliar.

    • No sir, I have not insulted you. I’ve criticized your approach and your tendency to re-direct the discussion with tangential and inaccurate accusations. I only want you to contribute to this blog to the extent that you further the dialogue – you don’t have to agree, but you must refrain from misconstruing my opinions and point of view. There is no vitriol – Re-read what I’ve written in response to your comments and you’ll see that this is the case, including the point about fresh thinking being unfamiliar to you – I say that based on the fact that most of what you’ve written would take me all of 5 minutes to find in virtually the same format and diction on HuffingtonPost or MSNBC.

  2. I didn’t call Obama Kenyan. Look up ‘hypothetical’ and ‘rhetorical’ along with ‘metaphor’ and ‘for the sake of discussion’

    My commentary was not about Obama, Kenya or Keynes. It was about the insult that Michelle Bachmann suffered. Why are you blind to that? No need to defend Obama if I’m mererly trying to keep a lady from being insulted, is there?

    • Again, suggesting you look up some words is not an insult – it’s a way of making a point. Too sensitive or projecting?

      I made no factual statements about BHO. I asked hypothetical questions. (“IF I call . . . ” IF is the operative word in that sentence.) Ms. Bachmann is not a lyin ass bitch and he’s not Kenyan. See the parallel? Was calling her a lyin ass bitch a similarly embarrassing factual error or not?

      See, Bachmann’s critics are the subject of what I wrote – not BHO. Address that or, again, you’re missing the point.

  3. Arguing that Obama is not Keynesian in his economic choices and theories is like saying that protestants aren’t Christian because they don’t hold to all of Jesus’ teaching perfectly. The combination of public/private secotr involvement in economy, the provision of government jobs/work, those seem to be Keynesian concepts. Plus, I’m sure that the Friedman pun has no chance of getting by the third voice censors.

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